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Brock & Bella
This is a male and female pair adoption. Brock and Bella are a 4-year-old pair of Bulldogs together for their life and will be adopted together.
Brock ( dark dog) is a male Bulldog that has had TECA surgery on his ears that has left him deaf in hearing. He is the more denominate the two dogs.
Bella (light color dog) is the female and more inquisitive of the two dogs. She is always nearby and a little feisty too.
Adopters need to meet the pair to consider adoption.
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Our goal is to make the best rescue match taking into consideration the Rescue Bulldogs background and your family’s needs. Every Rescue Bulldog is special and we can’t wait for a forever-home match.
Foster families are the heart of Bulldog Rescue. The foster family takes a Rescue Bulldog into their home, feeds, cares for, observes and loves the Rescue Bulldog as part of their family.
Foster families are the heart of Bulldog Rescue. The foster family takes a Rescue Bulldog into their home, feeds, cares for, observes and loves the Rescue Bulldog as part of their family.