For Dan and Jordan,
Lola was so lucky to have you as dog-parents in her senior years. We know she was very loved, and will be very missed. We are glad she is resting and comfortable now. Lola's sweet spirit made an impression on everyone she met, and was clearly a beloved family member. We will remember her fondly forever.
From Melissa and Gabe
Our goal is to make the best rescue match taking into consideration the Rescue Bulldogs background and your family’s needs. Every Rescue Bulldog is special and we can’t wait for a forever-home match.
Foster families are the heart of Bulldog Rescue. The foster family takes a Rescue Bulldog into their home, feeds, cares for, observes and loves the Rescue Bulldog as part of their family.
Foster families are the heart of Bulldog Rescue. The foster family takes a Rescue Bulldog into their home, feeds, cares for, observes and loves the Rescue Bulldog as part of their family.